Split button
A Split button is a hybrid between a Dropdown Menu and a Button. It lets users choose from parallel actions and take action on their choice.
- To let users select from multiple parallel actions. Actions are parallel when each represents a path forward for the user and none cancel the action.
- To reduce visual complexity when there are multiple actions a user can take
How to use it
The typical usage of a Split button component.
Use danger styling for Split buttons that enable destructive action.
A disabled Split button prevents user interaction. It doesn’t appear in the tab order, can’t receive focus, and may not be read aloud by a screenreader.
Split buttons can be small, medium, or large. The default size is medium.
Split buttons are implemented in combination with a Menu component to show parallel actions. They can be default or primary.
- Name9.5.1•View source•View on npm
- Installnpm install @zendeskgarden/react-buttons
- Depsnpm install react react-dom styled-components @zendeskgarden/react-theming
- Importimport { Button, ChevronButton, SplitButton } from '@zendeskgarden/react-buttons'
The SplitButton component follows this structure:
<Button />
<ChevronButton />
<Item />
<Item />
{/* etc. */}
Implementation notes
The split button pattern contains:
- SplitButton component as a container
- Button component for the main action
- ChevronButton component to show/hide secondary actions
- Dropdown, Menu and Trigger components for the secondary actions menu
Extends ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>
The Button component applies appropriate styles based on its usage and the props provided.
Prop name | Type | Default | Description |
focusInset | boolean | Applies inset | |
isBasic | boolean | Applies basic button styling | |
isDanger | boolean | Applies danger styling | |
isLink | boolean | Applies link (anchor) button styling | |
isNeutral | boolean | Applies neutral button styling | |
isPill | boolean | Applies pill button styling | |
isPrimary | boolean | Applies primary button styling | |
isStretched | boolean | Stretches the button fill to its container width | |
size | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'medium' | Specifies the button size |
Extends ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>
Nest the ChevronButton within a Trigger component.
Prop name | Type | Default | Description |
focusInset | boolean | Applies inset | |
isBasic | boolean | false | Applies basic button styling |
isDanger | boolean | Applies danger styling | |
isNeutral | boolean | Applies neutral button styling | |
isPill | boolean | false | Applies pill button styling |
isPrimary | boolean | Applies primary button styling | |
isRotated | boolean | Rotates icon 180 degrees | |
size | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'medium' | Specifies the button size |
Extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>
The SplitButton component applies appropriate styles to group the primary action Button together with the ChevronButton that shows/hides the secondary actions.