Theme object
The theme object provides global values for component styling.
- To toggle between light and dark themes
- To extend as the theming baseline for a customized Theme provider
What it is
The following JSON displays the theme object in its entirety.
"borders": {
"sm": "1px solid",
"md": "3px solid"
"borderRadii": {
"sm": "2px",
"md": "4px"
"borderStyles": {
"solid": "solid"
"borderWidths": {
"sm": "1px",
"md": "3px"
"breakpoints": {
"xs": "0px",
"sm": "576px",
"md": "768px",
"lg": "992px",
"xl": "1200px"
"colors": {
"base": "light",
"primaryHue": "blue",
"dangerHue": "red",
"warningHue": "yellow",
"successHue": "green",
"neutralHue": "grey",
"chromeHue": "kale",
"variables": {
"dark": {
"background": {
"default": "neutralHue.1100",
"raised": "neutralHue.1000",
"recessed": "neutralHue.1200",
"subtle": "neutralHue.1000",
"emphasis": "neutralHue.600",
"success": "successHue.1000",
"warning": "warningHue.1000",
"danger": "dangerHue.1000",
"primaryEmphasis": "primaryHue.600",
"successEmphasis": "successHue.600",
"warningEmphasis": "warningHue.600",
"dangerEmphasis": "dangerHue.600",
"disabled": "rgba(neutralHue.500, 100)"
"border": {
"default": "neutralHue.800",
"emphasis": "neutralHue.600",
"subtle": "neutralHue.900",
"success": "successHue.900",
"warning": "warningHue.900",
"danger": "dangerHue.900",
"primaryEmphasis": "primaryHue.600",
"successEmphasis": "successHue.600",
"warningEmphasis": "warningHue.600",
"dangerEmphasis": "dangerHue.600",
"disabled": "neutralHue.800"
"foreground": {
"default": "neutralHue.300",
"subtle": "neutralHue.500",
"onEmphasis": "neutralHue.1100",
"primary": "primaryHue.600",
"success": "successHue.400",
"warning": "warningHue.400",
"danger": "dangerHue.400",
"successEmphasis": "successHue.300",
"warningEmphasis": "warningHue.300",
"dangerEmphasis": "dangerHue.300",
"disabled": "neutralHue.700"
"shadow": {
"small": "rgba(neutralHue.1200, 1100)",
"medium": "rgba(neutralHue.1200, 800)",
"large": "rgba(neutralHue.1200, 1000)"
"light": {
"background": {
"default": "palette.white",
"raised": "palette.white",
"recessed": "neutralHue.100",
"subtle": "neutralHue.100",
"emphasis": "neutralHue.700",
"success": "successHue.100",
"warning": "warningHue.100",
"danger": "dangerHue.100",
"primaryEmphasis": "primaryHue.700",
"successEmphasis": "successHue.700",
"warningEmphasis": "warningHue.700",
"dangerEmphasis": "dangerHue.700",
"disabled": "rgba(neutralHue.700, 100)"
"border": {
"default": "neutralHue.300",
"emphasis": "neutralHue.600",
"subtle": "neutralHue.200",
"success": "successHue.300",
"warning": "warningHue.300",
"danger": "dangerHue.300",
"primaryEmphasis": "primaryHue.700",
"successEmphasis": "successHue.700",
"warningEmphasis": "warningHue.700",
"dangerEmphasis": "dangerHue.700",
"disabled": "neutralHue.300"
"foreground": {
"default": "neutralHue.900",
"subtle": "neutralHue.700",
"onEmphasis": "palette.white",
"primary": "primaryHue.700",
"success": "successHue.700",
"warning": "warningHue.700",
"danger": "dangerHue.700",
"successEmphasis": "successHue.900",
"warningEmphasis": "warningHue.900",
"dangerEmphasis": "dangerHue.900",
"disabled": "neutralHue.600"
"shadow": {
"small": "rgba(neutralHue.1200, 200)",
"medium": "rgba(neutralHue.1200, 200)",
"large": "rgba(neutralHue.1200, 200)"
"components": {},
"fonts": {
"mono": "SFMono-Regular,Consolas,\"Liberation Mono\",Menlo,Courier,monospace",
"system": "system-ui,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,\"Segoe UI\",Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,\"Helvetica Neue\",Arial,sans-serif"
"fontSizes": {
"xs": "10px",
"sm": "12px",
"md": "14px",
"lg": "18px",
"xl": "22px",
"xxl": "26px",
"xxxl": "36px"
"fontWeights": {
"thin": 100,
"extralight": 200,
"light": 300,
"regular": 400,
"medium": 500,
"semibold": 600,
"bold": 700,
"extrabold": 800,
"black": 900
"iconSizes": {
"sm": "12px",
"md": "16px",
"lg": "26px"
"lineHeights": {
"sm": "16px",
"md": "20px",
"lg": "24px",
"xl": "28px",
"xxl": "32px",
"xxxl": "44px"
"opacity": {
"100": 0.08,
"200": 0.16,
"300": 0.24,
"400": 0.32,
"500": 0.4,
"600": 0.48,
"700": 0.56,
"800": 0.64,
"900": 0.72,
"1000": 0.8,
"1100": 0.88,
"1200": 0.96
"palette": { /* see API for details */ },
"rtl": false,
"shadowWidths": {
"xs": "1px",
"sm": "2px",
"md": "3px"
"shadows": {
"xs": " => expression",
"sm": " => expression",
"md": " => expression",
"lg": "(e,t,n) => expression"
"space": {
"base": 4,
"xxs": "4px",
"xs": "8px",
"sm": "12px",
"md": "20px",
"lg": "32px",
"xl": "40px",
"xxl": "48px"
- Name9.5.1•View source•View on npm
- Installnpm install @zendeskgarden/react-theming
- Depsnpm install react react-dom styled-components
- Importimport { DEFAULT_THEME } from '@zendeskgarden/react-theming'
The top-level keys of DEFAULT_THEME
Borders can be small or medium and represent the combination of
and borderStyles
Border radii can be small or medium and determine the corner radius for various components.
The theme object provides one solid
border style. Remember to update
in conjunction with any border style override.
Border widths can be small or medium. Remember to update
in conjunction with any border width override.
Themed breakpoints define minimum dimensions at which layout will change
based on media queries, adapting to various screen sizes. Breakpoint values
are used by the responsive Grid and the
The colors object provides key values for palette hues used across the component
system. The base
value establishes the color scheme for component rendering.
The color variables
coincide with a “light” or “dark” base
, identifying key
colors with critical semantic meaning in the system. When combined with the
getColor utility, these variables form a
robust foundation for color usage in Garden and custom
extension components.
The base specifies either “light” or “dark” for the theme’s color scheme.
This table provides a reference for key hue values.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
primaryHue | string | object | 'blue' | Provides primary accent colors |
dangerHue | string | object | 'red' | Represents danger or error states |
warningHue | string | object | 'yellow' | Represents caution or warning states |
successHue | string | object | 'green' | Represents success states |
neutralHue | string | object | 'grey' | Provides neutral or disabled colors |
chromeHue | string | object | 'kale' | Provides color for drop shadows and Chrome navigation elements |
Garden uses color variable key notation to reference specific hex and RGBA
values for the current color scheme. Variables can refer to hues,
palette colors, or literal CSS color
values. A
special rgba(hue.shade, opacity)
notation may be used to reference Garden
color and opacity values. The following lists identify color
variables and expected usage.
- Background
- background.default default background for main surfaces
- background.raised background used for raised and floating surfaces
- background.recessed background that sits below the main surface
- background.subtle subtle background that sits on the same plane as the main surface
- background.emphasis strong background, usually for interactive elements
- background.success background used for success states
- background.warning background used for warning states
- background.danger background used for danger states
- background.primaryEmphasis strong background for primary interaction elements
- background.successEmphasis strong background for success interaction elements
- background.warningEmphasis strong background for warning interaction elements
- background.dangerEmphasis strong background for danger interaction elements
- background.disabled background used for disabled states
- Border
- border.default default layout borders and dividers
- border.emphasis interactive borders
- border.subtle inner layout borders and dividers
- border.success success layout borders
- border.warning warning layout borders
- border.danger danger layout borders
- border.primaryEmphasis strong border for primary interaction elements
- border.successEmphasis strong border for success interaction elements
- border.warningEmphasis strong border for warning interaction elements
- border.dangerEmphasis strong border for danger interaction elements
- border.disabled border used for disabled states
- Foreground
- foreground.default default text
- foreground.subtle icons and meta information
- foreground.onEmphasis text on strong backgrounds
- foreground.primary primary text
- foreground.success success text
- foreground.warning warning text
- foreground.danger danger text
- foreground.successEmphasis strong success text
- foreground.warningEmphasis strong warning text
- foreground.dangerEmphasis strong danger text
- foreground.disabled disabled text
- Shadow
- shadow.small shadow color for smaller components
- shadow.medium shadow color for medium size components
- shadow.large shadow color for larger components
The components object is an empty container for adding targeted component
styling. Its keys are COMPONENT_ID
values. (Use the Garden Inspect
Chrome extension to view component IDs.) Its values are CSS template strings.
A document object is used to support components that require HTML document
context (such as menus or modals). This example illustrates how components
could be rendered against an inline frame.
const theme = {
document: document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentDocument
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>...</ThemeProvider>;
Fonts can be mono
or system
. The monospace font stack is used to display
Code fragments and Code block
snippets. The system font stack is the default used throughout Zendesk
Font sizes are used with lineHeights
to define the basis
for Garden’s type scale. The scale
reduces monospace equivalents by one
pixel so that x-height is proportional with the surrounding system font.
Font weight names are
to a complete set of corresponding values. The regular
and semibold
values are weights used by Garden components.
The icon sizes object corresponds with the small, medium, and large icons provided by Garden’s SVG Icon library.
Line heights are used with fontSizes
to define the basis for
Garden’s type scale. See the
utility for obtaining
unitless line height values.
Opacity values work together with colors to offer standard RGBA transparency.
This object lets you reference, modify, and extend Garden’s entire
Palette (with the exception of palette.product
values, which cannot be customized).
The RTL theme object value determines whether components will lay out left-to-right or right-to-left.
The shadows portion of the theme object contains three functions.
- xs, sm, and md each take an RGBA
string parameter and are typically used to apply component focus rings. These functions correspond to the values provided byshadowWidths
. - lg takes
, andcolor
string parameters used to apply a drop shadow under components that float above the surface (modals, notifications, etc.). By default, the color variable used isneutralHue
Shadow widths can be small or medium. Remember to update
in conjunction with any shadow width override.
Provides a series of values, from xxs
through xxl
, that express Garden’s
standard spacing units. These values are used to manage
Grid gutter sizing and can be leveraged for page layouts.
The base
unit is the fundamental factor used to compute Garden’s base-4
component system. Modifying a theme’s space.base
will cascade changes to
component size, padding, and margins.
Like document, the window object is used to support components that
require HTML window